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Is it possible to construct a greenhouse in your budget?

There is much more involved in building a green home than simply choosing environmentally friendly building materials. A “green home” is constructed differently from a “normal home. According to Chennai-based sustainable architect Prashanth S. Kharche, “it’s practically a spiritual journey, and the inspiration for it has to originate from the desire to reduce your carbon…

If any unlawful registry of the floor is detected, revenue officials would suffer FIRs

Deputy Commissioner advised locals to avoid registering a floor in a home that is less than 180 square yards in size. He said that “the registry would be canceled and those responsible for the registration procedure will be punished.” Executing unauthorized registries will result in legal penalties for revenue officers. If a revenue official is…

The DTCP prohibits the selling and purchasing of property in 18 colonies in Gurugram.

Amit Madholia, a district town planner who oversees enforcement, claimed that according to instructions from the DTCP director’s office, action had been taken against 18 societies & notifications had been posted at the premises. In 18 residential societies in Gurugram, the department of town and country planning (DTCP) prohibited the sale and purchase of real…